We operate like a small company, with a flat organisation and an uncompromising meritocracy, but have the resources of a larger organisation given our institutional market scale. Experienced team members are continuously challenged to give more and high calibre candidates seek to join our team, attracted by the growth opportunities and the potential to add recognised value early on in their careers.
We continuously strive to organise ourselves so that our investment professionals are provided with time to think, which ultimately translates to excellent returns for our clients. We do this by:
- Offering a narrow product range focused only on areas where we believe we can excel for clients.
- Sub-dividing our investment team into research pods that blend more experienced professionals with high calibre younger talent. This pairing frees up time for experienced decision makers to think deeply about investment drivers across a wide range of instruments and for younger members to gain experience.
- Using smart data management and analytics systems. We have a dedicated team of specialist developers continuously focused on streamlining and automating our workflow functions. This dramatically reduces time spent on repetitive tasks and enables robust decision-making audit trails.
- Outsourcing non-core functions (such as back-office administration and IT infrastructure maintenance) to preserve a professional environment focused on investment decision-making.
- Avoiding unnecessary structure that could hamper effective decision-making and operation.