The benefits of a unit trust

Transparent You will always know where and how your money is invested. Professional expertise Unit trusts are managed by highly-qualified investment managers with the expertise and experience to make sound investment decisions.

The benefits of a unit trust

Camissa Asset Management How to invest benefits

Diversification Unit trusts invest in a broad range of investments, spreading risk across many investments. Therefore, if one performs poorly, it does not mean that the whole fund underperforms. In tune with your needs There are various types of funds to choose from, depending on the risk you are comfortable with, whether you want to […]

The benefits of a unit trust

Camissa Asset Management How to invest benefits

Cost effective Designed to offer good value because contributions from a variety of investors are pooled. Investment managers can then buy a range of assets that would normally be unaffordable if you were to buy them on your own. Flexible You can add money, stop investing, switch between funds or withdraw at any time – […]

What are unit trusts?

Camissa Asset Management How to invest

Unit trusts are generally medium to long-term investments. Unit trusts are divided into identical units, which investors can buy or sell at any time. The amount that you contribute and the unit price at the time of investment will determine the amount of units allocated to you. When you invest in a unit trust fund, […]

What are unit trusts?

Camissa Asset Management Unit trusts

Unit trusts are generally medium to long-term investments A unit trust is also known as a collective investment scheme. In a unit trust fund, contributions from many investors are pooled and invested in a specific range of assets. Unit trusts are managed by investment professionals and different funds have different investment objectives.

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