How to invest
How to invest
Investing your hard-earned money can be an effective way to realise your dreams and goals. A unit trust is a great way to get started as an investor.
Our unit trust funds are managed by a team of highly-skilled investment professionals who apply unconventional thinking (thinking deeply and independently) and unearth opportunities in today’s changing markets. We offer a range of South African and global unit trust funds, and you can invest tax-free too.
How to invest
1. Decide on your goal
It’s good to have a goal.
A dream home, university education or something off your bucket list.

How to invest
2. Know your budget and time frame
A financial adviser can help you work out how much you can afford to save and what your risk appetite is.

How to invest
3. Pick the right funds for you
Speak to a financial adviser to select the right combination of funds for your needs – including Shariah compliant ones.
We accept lump sums (minimum of R5 000) and/or regular debit orders (minimum of R500 per debit order).

How to invest
4. Complete and sign an application form
Submit the application form along with the required supporting documents, to our Client Service team. The application form contains more details on the payment options available.

How to invest
5. Build and view your investments
Register online to monitor your transactions and view your up-to-date balances.
You will also be able to transact online (additional investments, switching, etc).