Giant SA gold mine emulates Toyota to boost profit – News24

Gold Fields was burning cash almost every year at their only facility in South Africa, until the continent’s third-largest miner of the metal started looking at Toyota Motor Corp. for inspiration. Article by Felix Njini, with comment from Mandi Dungwa – portfolio manager for Camissa Asset Management. view article

Think small to go big – The Sunday Times

Pick n Pay is strategising to create two distinct brands to cater to middle-class and upper-end markets, while Boxer will remain focused on the lower end. Article by Thabiso Mochiko, with insights by Mohamed Mitha – investment analyst for Camissa Asset Management. view article

Inside Sasol’s plans to become a worldwide green hydrogen leader – News24

Sasol is rapidly growing its footprint of green hydrogen development projects as it works to establish itself as a leader in an industry that is expected to provide a fifth of the world’s energy needs by 2050. Written by Lisa Steyn, with commentary by Abdul Davids – head of research for Camissa Asset Management. view […]

Camissa bullish on MTN and PGM miners – Business Day

Global financial markets have had a bumpy ride so far this year as a combination of rising inflation, a series of rate hikes and hawkish guidance from central banks across the world — despite the associated recessionary risks — weighed on assets. Abdul Davids (head of research for Camissa Asset Management) recommends that investors focus […]

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