AECI to spend R1bn a year on expansion – Business Day

AECI is aggressively pursuing its plans to expand its operations into South America to improve volumes from its chemicals and explosives business, CEO Mark Dytor said at the group’s interim results presentation yesterday. view article

Cutifani to ride rough in review of Anglo – Business Report

“Underground mining performance was principally impacted by the intermittent illegal industrial actions, the national bus driver strike which impacted employees’ ability to commute to work and safety stoppages,” the company said in its production update. view article

Up and up MR goes – Finweek

Construction and engineering group Murray & Roberts (M&R) has managed to get rid of most of its dead-wood projects. It is, in fact, now leading the charge in recovery against its peers. view article

MR winds up disposal – Daily Dispatch

Murray & Roberts says it has concluded the disposal of its Construction Products Africa manufacturing businesses for about 111.3-billion, which includes Much Asphalt, Rocla, Technicrete and Ocon Brick. view article

SA economy is still 'unsettled' – The New Age

A key indicator of the state of the country’s economic activity improved sharply in June as it increased by 1.2 points to 51.6, from 50.4 in May but some analysts argue that it is too early to get excited given the current “strange” economic environment. view article

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