Al meer wil die' groep se rokkies dra – Sake 24

Die Truworthsgroep het sy aandeel van die vroue- en manskleremark vergroot en ook twee mylpale bereik. Sy kleinhandelverkope het die R10 miljard-kerf verbygesteek en die getal winkels is verby die 600kerf. view article

Banking on change – Financial Mail

A price war in SA, regulatory interventions in some of the countries in which it operates, and more competition are forcing the MTN Group to re-engineer its business, cut costs and look for other revenue sources. view article

Banks face hazard of continent's bad debts – Business Day

Standard Bank’ strategic decision to exit other emerging markets to focus on Africa boosted its recent results, but growing bad debt is still a reminder of how hazardous it is to do business on the continent at times. finance view article

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